Fostering Faith Dialogue
Ulrike Hunt Ulrike Hunt

Fostering Faith Dialogue

The longer we bring young people together for significant dialogue, the more we see how powerful and transformational it is to bring people together who do not have the same beliefs or points of view.

We see what an impact it has on the individual young people and in turn on the communities they are part of. 

In a world that increasingly polarises people into belligerent camps, these spaces for dialogue fill us with hope for the future.  

(IMAGES: Nigel Cox / CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

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Something You Can Do
Cathy Tjernagel Nobles Cathy Tjernagel Nobles

Something You Can Do

After a year of this current war in the Middle East, peace has evaporated with thousands of people killed in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen.

My heart cries out to God to deliver these people from the chaos of further destruction.

Is there something we can do?

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Hospitality—Welcome to Declare Peace Jerusalem
Cathy Tjernagel Nobles Cathy Tjernagel Nobles

Hospitality—Welcome to Declare Peace Jerusalem

My life has been so enriched by my journey on the Reconciliation Walk and all that has come after. I have not forgotten what I have learned from so many.  My prayers now are for the peace of Jerusalem as a place that flourishes with the promises of a loving God.  I pray for the humility to ask God for justice, healing, and hope amid this terrible violence. 

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